After successfully running in theatres and OTTs, the much-awaited Salaar has finally hit the TV sets to entertain viewers. Prabhas fans have been waiting for this film, which has turned many heads with its massive box-office collection. Starring Prabhas, Prithviraj and Sruthi Hassan in the lead roles, watch the catch-up of Salaar on Star Maa with YuppTV. Salaar is an intense, grippy, and emotionally compelling movie with a perfect blend of action and drama. Set against the backdrop of the Khansaar kingdom, there's bond, blood, and betrayal in this riveting drama. Three tribes - Mannarsi Tribe, Shouryaanga Tribe, and Ghaniyaar Tribe built the Khansaar kingdom, ruled by the Nibbhandaha book. While each tribe must rule Khansaar for forty years, the desire for power triggers many twists and turns. The bond between two friends and a son's promise to protect his mother elevates the film's pace and navigates it forward. Ace director Prashant Neil's latest cinematic offering...
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