In the recent episode of Bigg Boss Season 7, the contestants were split into two teams: Randheera and Mahabali. They were competing for something called the Mayastra. The Randheera team, with members like Amardeep, Priyanka, Prince Yavar, Shobhashetty, Shivaji, and Shakeela, turned out to be physically stronger than the Mahabali team, which included Tasty Teja, Damini, Subhasree, Rathika, Pallavi Prashanth, and Gautam Krishna.
Physical Challenges Favored Randheera...
Randheera's team did really well in two physical challenges, which helped them secure two keys to access the magical Mayastra. On the other hand, Mahabali's team struggled with these physical tasks.
Mystery Around Subhasree and Damini...
Things got interesting when Subhasree and Damini secretly stole something called the Power Astra and hid it in the bathroom. This left many viewers wondering about their intentions and what they were up to.
A Confusing Situation...
As Mahabali's team believed that Yavar had the keys, Randheera's team decided to hide them to keep their advantage. Yavar faced punishment for not speaking Telugu correctly, and this added to the confusion, with both teams thinking he had the keys.
From Mayastra to Pavarastra...
Despite the chaos, Bigg Boss eventually announced that Randheera's team had won both challenges and had secured the Mayastra. This led to celebrations and excitement among their team members. Bigg Boss mentioned that these six contestants would compete for something called the Power Astra in future episodes, promising more excitement in the Bigg Boss Season 7 journey.
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