In the latest episode of Bigg Boss Season 7, contestants embarked on a unique journey, reminiscent of a fantasy tale. The episode introduced the concept of "Mayastra," and contestants had to compete for it, with a storyline resembling the movie 'Brahmastra.'
The Bigg Boss house is currently divided into two teams: Randhira and Mahabali. The excitement began when Bigg Boss announced that contestants needed to win Astras to secure their place in the house. Sandeep had already won the "Power Astra" in the first week, guaranteeing his stay in the Bigg Boss house.
The 'Brahmastra' Inspired Tale...
Bigg Boss gathered all the contestants in the living room and began narrating a story set in a world of magical beings. The story revolves around the battle between good and evil forces. Magical creatures possessed a powerful magic that evil forces desired. To protect this magic, the magical beings trapped it within an Astra.
Bigg Boss revealed that the very place where this magic was hidden 7,000 years ago was now the Bigg Boss house, and the contestants were the magicians. The story set the stage for the Mayastra task.
Competing for Mayastra...
The contestants were split into the Randhira and Mahabali teams. Randhira's team included Amardeep, Priyanka, Prince Yavar, Shobha Shetty, Shivaji, and Shakila. The Mahabali team consisted of Tasty Teja, Damini, Subhasree, Rathika, Pallavi Prashant, and Gautam Krishna. Sandeep played the role of the director.
Both teams had to face challenges given by Bigg Boss within a time limit to compete for Mayastra. The winning team would receive the magic and a clue related to it.
A Controversial Victory...
The first challenge was called 'Pul Raja Pul.' Four members from each team had to attempt to pull a log in the middle towards their side. They had to play this challenge three times, and the team with the most wins would claim the key to Mayastra.
Randhira's team emerged victorious three times. However, the Mahabali team argued that they had lost unfairly, as their grip slipped due to a broken stick and a slippery mat. Despite their protests, Randhira's team was declared the winner.
With the key to Mayastra in hand, the competition for the magical Astra continued, adding more excitement to Bigg Boss Season 7.
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